Quickplay – WDL: Thunder Tanks

Some genius at 3DO’s offices thought that combining tanks with professional wrestling would somehow make their subpar game better. They now work as a High School janitor.

Quickplay – BattleTanx Global Assault [Playstation]

Frank worried that this game might actually be better than he said it was. He was very wrong.

The Boomcast 2-01: Gentrifying a Concept

The Boomcast rolls into season 2, as Frank and Jeux talk about the rise of the machines, and the rise of creative bankruptcy in the movie industry.

Bonus Boomcast: Refried News

This is a podcast that was delayed in the recording stage, and then delayed again in the uploading stage. So, rather than make an outdated ep the first one of Season 2, consider this a bonus.

Boomcast at the Movies – God’s Not Dead 2

Frank drags Jeux to the comedy event of the season. Remember to text your friends!

Boomcast at the Movies – Hardcore Henry

Frank and Jeux delve into the world’s first fully first-person action movie.

Quickplay – Pokken Tournament’s Tutorial

The first thing our heroes did “GARRYYY!!!” upon booting up Pokken Tournament “GARRYYY!!!” was the lengthy tutorial. This is all extra “GARRYYY!!!” footage that was scrapped from the original “GARRYYY!!!” video, because it’s almost a half hour of tutorials. “GARRYYY!!!”

Quickplay – Pokken Tournament

Frank, Jeux, and a defiant TJ slog their way through baby’s first fighting game. GARRYYYY!!!!

Boomcast at the Movies – Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

Zack Snyder must be stopped.

The Boomcast 1-10: Iori Yagami’s Dumpster of Fires

Frank and Jeux discuss the latest in Bill Nye’s Yandere Terminator Martians.